Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Re: UA hoops lands recruit Kevin Parrom


‘Nice grab’ by new basketball coach

• Wow, I cannot believe what Miller is able to do so quick. I realize that they are mostly Xavier recruits, which aren’t quite what Lute would get, but it is 100 times better than what we were looking at just a few months ago. Way to go, Miller.


• Another stud finds his way from the East Coast. Great recruit as this kid can play the game. Nice touch on the ball and a great first step. Next year’s team is really taking shape. . . . Can’t wait for the fun to begin. It’s Miller Time!


• Nice grab. With or without Stephenson, this is a nice late recruiting bonanza by Miller. . . . With the guys we have on the roster, I’m sensing a four-guard offense next year.


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