Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Beware online job offer scams

Citizen Staff Writer
Our Opinion

With the economy in the dumps, many people are looking for ways to earn extra money. But be wary of schemes that will empty your pocketbook.

Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard said complaints about business opportunity scams increased 300 percent since early 2008.

Most of the complaints involved Internet-based “opportunities.” Such schemes require consumers to pay an initial fee – often $500 to $1,000 – with the promise that they will make extra income. When that doesn’t happen, the promoter tries to sell expensive advertising or marketing tools.

Before investing money, make sure the opportunity is genuine and can be validated through a source such as the Better Business Bureau.

And if you do get taken, contact the Attorney General’s Office in Tucson at 628-6504. Don’t let connivers take advantage of others.

Our Opinion

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