Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

2 services will honor officers killed on duty

Citizen Staff Writer



A memorial service for Tucson police officers killed in the line of duty is slated for Wednesday evening.

The commemoration will be at 6:30 p.m. on the front lawn of police headquarters, 270 S. Stone Ave., police spokesman Sgt. Mark Robinson said Tuesday.

Police Chief Roberto VillaseƱor is expected to speak at the service.

The annual memorial will mark the death of Officer Erik Hite in June.

Hite was shot and killed on the East Side last year as he pursued a crosstown shooting spree suspect.

Hite was the eighth Tucson officer killed in the line of duty since 1892.

David “Nick” Delich, 26, was arrested in Hite’s killing and is facing 10 criminal charges, including first-degree murder.

Thursday, another service for fallen law enforcers will also honor Hite. The second annual Pima County Regional Law Enforcement Service will be at 9 a.m. in the Grand Ballroom of the Tucson Convention Center, 260 S. Church Ave.

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