Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Re: Cats in running for Lance Stephenson


Readers mixed on getting top basketball recruit

• Getting Lance out of New York and the circle of influence he runs with., and you may find a fresh start is exactly what he needs to rise above it all. ZOMBIE

• Take a guy with his issues, move him all the way across the country away from any sort of family/friends, and you’re asking for trouble. Regardless of how good this guy might be, it’s not worth the risk to the university’s basketball reputation. Pass on him. ARIZONA91

• I’m sure he isn’t the only kid brought into our program with a checkered past. The key is, UA has always had great leadership and a strong influence over these kids. If he brings value to the team, I say give the kid a chance. AZCAT01

• Did you guys see his YouTube stuff? He is just trying to market himself for the NBA. YOUSTRUELY

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