Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Officials confirm 12 more cases of swine flu in county

Citizen Staff Report

Pima total: 22; Arizona: 130

Pima County health officials Thursday confirmed 12 more cases of swine flu, bringing the county’s total to 22.

Statewide, the number of confirmed diagnoses is 130.

Details about the new cases have not been released, Pima County Health Department spokeswoman Patti Woodcock said in a statement. “It is, however, my understanding that all have recovered or are in the process of recovering.”

Sunday, the first six cases of swine flu in the county were announced. Two involved middle school students in Tucson and Marana. The other four cases were on the Tohono O’odham Nation. By Tuesday, the number of cases had risen to 10.



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