Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Sunnyside’s DeBerry ranked 1st at 140

Citizen Staff Writer
Grammer School

The 2008-09 wrestling season has been over for awhile, but the awards keep rolling in for Tucson Citizen Wrestler of the Year Kory DeBerry.

Wrestling USA Magazine this week named DeBerry the No. 1-ranked sophomore/freshman wrestler in the nation at 140 pounds.

DeBerry, who won the Class 5A Division II state championship this past season to help lead Sunnyside to its 12th-straight state team title and 28th overall, was one of five southern Arizona wrestlers to find their way into the magazine’s national rankings.

Those wrestlers include (wrestlers were ranked in one of three classes – freshman/sophomore, junior or senior):

• DeBerry, Sunnyside, 140 pounds – No. 1 (freshman/sophomore)

• Ryak Finch, Safford, 112 pounds – No. 3 (junior)

• Scott Filbert, Ironwood Ridge, 119 pounds – No. 24 (junior)

• Diego Bravo, Sunnyside, 215 pounds – No. 20 (junior)

• Anthony Pike, Sunnyside, 189 pounds – No. 15 (senior)

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