Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Charles lands ASU job

The Arizona Republic

Former Santa Rita High wrestler Shawn Charles, a four-time All-American and two-time national runner-up at Arizona State, has been hired as the sixth head coach in the 47-year history of ASU’s program.

Charles, a native of Tucson, spent the past two seasons as assistant coach at Missouri. Previous career stops include one season as head coach at Fresno State, which disbanded its program, and assistant coaching stints at Brown, Nebraska, Central Michigan, Oklahoma and Iowa State.

He also served on the U.S. Olympic coaching staff in 2004 and 2008 and on the 2009 University World Team staff.

“I am excited to be back at my alma mater and to be the guy to put it all together and make Arizona State successful once again,” Charles said.

“One of my goals is to get the community involved with our program. I really believe that wrestling is a viable form of entertainment and I would really like to see the communities around Arizona get involved in supporting this form of entertainment.”

The Arizona Republic

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