Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

They’re Hinch’s players, so fire him, fans say



Re: D’backs replace manager Bob Melvin with A.J. Hinch

• You are certainly firing the wrong person. Bob Melvin has been handed a bunch of losers and he is expected to make a good team from them? The ones needing “replacing” are the honchos who traded our best guys for these dimwits! 4152

• Unfortunately managers always pay for the failures of the players or the front office. In this case both are to blame. As they say, it’s easier to fire one guy than 25. RJW52

• Actually, if Hinch is in charge of player development, isn’t he the one that should get the ax? I can’t think of a single mistake Melvin made considering what he had to work with.

I haven’t liked the way the D’backs have treated their players, Gonzo. Randy J, O. Dog (Orlando Hudson). It tears me up to see all the young talent we had going (playing well for other teams). APACHECAT

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