Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Cats go for 9th – title, not life

Citizen Staff Writer
Our Opinion

Congratulations to the University of Arizona softball team, which is headed to its 23rd consecutive postseason tournament.

Unfortunately, the Wildcats – seeded ninth nationally – won’t be playing at home in the first round of the NCAA championship tournament. The team was inexplicably sent to Louisville, Ky., as lower seeds won the right to host regionals.

But no matter. The Cats are used to winning the first game of the tournament regardless of where it is played. UA has won 20 of the 22 first-round games in its current streak.

The Wildcats have made it to the College World Series 20 times under coach Mike Candrea. And they have come home with the national title eight times.

We wish them the best as they go after No. 9.

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