Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

TPD captain promoted to assistant chief

Citizen Staff Writer



A Tucson police captain has been named an assistant chief, filling the slot left open when Roberto VillaseƱor was sworn in as police chief last week.

Terry Rozema, a 22-year veteran of the Tucson Police Department, will be in charge of the Support Services Bureau, which includes the homeland security and traffic enforcement sections of the department, as well as the SWAT team.

The bureau’s former head, Assistant Chief Kathleen Robinson, will take over VillaseƱor’s duties running the Investigative Services Bureau, which includes the special investigations, property crimes and forensic divisions.

She also will oversee the violent crimes section, the Counter Narcotics Alliance and the gang unit.

Before his promotion, Rozema ran TPD’s portion of the multi-agency Counter Narcotics Alliance.

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