Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

DPS IDs officer who shot at man following I-10 chase

Citizen Staff Writer



A state Department of Public Safety officer who shot at and missed a man Monday afternoon has been identified.

Officer Carmen Figueroa, a five-year DPS veteran, is assigned to highway patrol duties in the Tucson area, said Officer Quentin Mehr, a Tucson-based DPS spokesman. Figueroa was not injured, Mehr said.

Mehr said Tuesday he had no new information on the shooting.

Events leading to the 1 p.m. shooting started with an attempt to stop the man, who was driving a Chevrolet Suburban on Interstate 10, Mehr said Monday.

The man fled, eventually getting off the interstate at the South Park Avenue interchange and stopping at a motel in the 1000 block of East Benson Highway.

There, he and Figueroa got in a confrontation, the details of which were unavailable. Figueroa fired one shot at the man, who ran away.

Area law officers searched the area for several hours without finding the man, Mehr said.

The man was described as about 5 feet 6 inches tall, wearing black denim shorts and a gray tank top.

Mehr asked anyone spotting the man to call 911or 88-CRIME. He warned people not to approach the man, as he is considered dangerous.

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