Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

‘How dare the Border Patrol do the job they are paid for (protecting Americans)? Just who do they think they are? I call them patriots. Keep up the good fight, BP!’ Mr. Guillermo

Citizen Staff Writer

The story: Business owners say a Border Patrol checkpoint on Interstate 19 north of Tubac is killing tourism and costing millions of dollars in home sales.

Your take: Too bad.

The checkpoint is needed “to slow down the invasion,” 2161 said, adding, “Either get used to the idea or move somewhere else.”

A more-sympathetic noah 1 said, “That checkpoint should be before Rio Rico, and the Border Patrol should concentrate more on these alternate routes most of which are not even on a map.”

Added leftfield, “Let’s just blame the drug mules instead of looking at ourselves and wondering why we as a nation consume monumental quantities of drugs.”

Spirit of Zenger didn’t buy the claims that real estate sales are hurt by the checkpoint: “Lazy Realtors cannot sell houses like they did in the hot inflated market, and second, the market still stinks and will for some time.”

As to claims that the checkpoint is hurting Tubac businesses, some members of the Tucson Citizen’s online community had different thoughts.

“Maybe it’s the overpriced artwork that keeps some of us from actually stopping,” postulated RocketSmoke.

And JazzCruise wrote, “People are buying food for their families instead of the wind chimes and coyote statues offered in Tubac shops.”

Compiled by MARK KIMBLE


The big debate:

Checkpoint divides Tubac



For Tuesday, May 12

1 Cats turn to Cowboys to boost Gronkowski’s yield.

2 Tucson home prices fall 20 percent.

3 2 TUSD schools opt to go without principals to meet state budget cuts.

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