Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

3 men arrested in Northwest Side home invasion

Citizen Staff Writer



Sheriff’s deputies arrested three men in connection with a predawn home invasion Wednesday on the Northwest Side.

The arrests came after deputies traced the suspects to an apartment in the 7500 block of North Mona Lisa Drive on the Northwest Side.

After obtaining a search warrant, deputies searched the apartment and found some of the victim’s property, said Deputy Dawn Barkman, a sheriff’s spokeswoman.

Deputies arrested Spenser E. Andrews, 20; Gerardo Monteverde, 22; and his 19-year-old brother, Xavier Monteverde, Barkman said.

The Monteverde brothers were each booked into jail later Wednesday on single counts of aggravated robbery, armed robbery, aggravated assault, burglary and kidnapping charges.

The burglary accusation is in connection with entering a building with the intent to commit a felony, Barkman said.

When they were booked, the brothers listed addresses on North Jensen Drive, Gerardo Monteverde in the 7800 block and his brother in the 7600 block, a jail records clerk said.

But, she said, they also each listed a previous address in the 7500 block of North Mona Lisa Road.

Andrews, who also listed an address in the 7500 block of North Mona Lisa, was booked into jail about 2:30 p.m. on suspicion of crimes similar to those on which the Monteverdes were being held, a jail clerk said.

According to Barkman, a resident of a complex in the 2600 block of West Ina Road was awakened shortly before 4 a.m. by the noise of someone breaking into his apartment.

One of the three intruders hit the resident with a pistol, and then the assailant and his companions made off with a television, a safe, computer equipment and weapons, Barkman said.

No shots were fired, Barkman said.

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