Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Tucson Chrysler dealers avoid ax

Citizen Staff and Wire Report

Staff and Wire Report

No Tucson dealerships are affected in Chrysler LLC’s plan to eliminate a quarter of its dealers across the U.S.

Chrysler is targeting five dealerships in Arizona for elimination as part of its bankruptcy court proceeding.

Dealers got the news Thursday.

In a bankruptcy court motion filed in New York, Chrysler said it wants to eliminate 789 dealerships by June 9. The motion said the dealerships sell too few cars and trucks, or compete with themselves.

The five Arizona dealerships picked for elimination are Arnold Motor Sales in Superior, Brothers Motors in Flagstaff, Darner Motor Sales in Mesa, Jones Dodge Chrysler Jeep in Wickenburg and Performance Dodge in Phoenix.

Dealers can appeal the Chrysler decision.

Jim Click Chrysler-Jeep at the Automall, Tucson Chrysler-Jeep, Jim Click Dodge and Tucson Dodge are not on the list.

The automaker has about 3,200 dealers but says that’s too many. It wants to have stronger, more profitable dealers with better facilities.

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